Tuesday, 13 March 2012


In a free lesson, two days before we show our finished trailer, we continued to cut down our footage. We added the film distribution company indents of IM Global and Alliance, our chosen production companies, as well as a five second still of the trailers certificate to be played by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). By doing this it adds authentication to the trailer as we have studied various different teaser trailers to see that they have all been certified by the MPAA. We sped the two movie indents up and cut part of the Alliance intro to keep with the respected time frame of a teaser trailer. We removed sound from the production company indents because we will be putting music over the top, which is sometimes done in teaser trailers, such as the Women in Black (2012).
We also looked through different websites of non-copyright music and found about six final songs which we will trial in on our trailer. We brainstormed which section of the trailer, that the music will go in and tomorrow we will see which one suits the mood the best. Most likely we will cut parts of the songs and use more than one to get the best effect at the right moment in our trailer.

Songs on the shortlist are:
- Dark Awakening ( to be use at the beginning and a few seconds at the end)
- Doplerette ( At the beginning)
- Gathering Darkness (At the beginning)
- Land of the Dead (During the montage)
- Measured Paces ( During the montage)
- Forever Sleeping (Unkown)

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