Sunday 11 September 2011

AS Coursework Reflection

Creativity- How did you use other media forms to come up with something new and original?

We started watching horror opening's on Youtube of films such as, The Exorcist, IT and The Shining. We then started looking at cliche horror storylines and working our way around what basic storyline we wanted to have our own take on. We also looked at what things people would associate with being typically scary and would associate with horror films.' Woods and alley-ways were quite common. So we decided to have our main location as a woods. We then looked on the internet at horror pictures, so we would get the right atmosphere at a location. We then started looking at costumes that the actors are wearing. We looked at the film, The Blair Whitch Project. Because we decided to also use hand-held camera, we thought that The Blair Whitch Project is the closest film that is so similar to what we wanted to do, it was best to take ideas from what they're wearing. Because we had seen many horror films before we used our own knowledge of what the typical storyline was in horror films. Such as a young innocent girl walking through a deserted area alone with no one around. So to keep it original, this is what our storyline was all about.

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