Tuesday 13 September 2011

Similarities and differences between a trailer and a teaser trailer

Similarities and differences between Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1 teaser trailer and trailer.

Teaser trailer -->

Trailer -->

Similarities and differences between Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1 trailer and the teaser trailer are;

Similarities between the trailer and teaser trailer
  • both have narration over parts of the clips
  • end titles of where the film can be seen
  • plot giveaways
  • storyline
Having narration over both trailer and teaser trailer helps you identify the story of what will be happening in the film. But with limited detail, as to not give the whole plot away.

  • faster music - having faster music creates more tention as the film is even closer to being viewed
  • more clips - builds more tension
  • longer clips
  • louder music
  • more plot giveaways
  • writing in shots 'Presented in 2 parts"
  • narration gives clues as to what will happen in film
Teaser trailer
  • slower music
  • shorter clips
  • less storyline
  • faster editing
  • 'coming soon'
  • minimal information on the film

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